Training Center for Management and Certification Systems
According to internal corporate standards of BAIKALSEA, our specialists implement strict sampling procedure of materials and all key Suppliers are included into the production audit system, which enables to control products quality at every stage. BAIKALSEA has developed and implemented staff training and development system based on the Company’s Values.

Activity of the center

In order to further improve the existing management systems, the Training Center conducts analysis, monitoring and measures operating parameters of BAIKALSEA Company in aspects of quality and food safety, including control of compliance with requirements among all participants of the process — supplier, customer and consumer.

This target is accomplished by the Company’s Audit Group led by the Chief Auditor, who is in charge of internal audit of management systems at established intervals of time. Internal audits help us to evaluate compliance of the Company’s operations with international requirements, evaluate effectiveness of existing systems and to maintain them fully operational.

Training Center supervises audits of own production facilities, distributors’ warehouses, retail points.

In addition, the Training Centers prepares BAIKALSEA Company for annual external audits, with the purpose to demonstrate compliance of management systems with requirements of international standards by receiving new or confirming existing conformance certificates.