BAIKALSEA Company is the largest water bottling company in Siberia. Installed capacity is over 300 mln. liters per year.


Professional team is the core asset of the company.

Staff career development depends on individual capabilities and preferences. Some team members focus on professional skills and knowledge, becoming experts in aspects of machinery and technology, while others develop as future successors in management. Staff feature various competences required to operate several automated production lines. This enables extra flexibility and helps to maintain optimal staff number at all times. Staff training and development system provides team members with personal development tools and opportunities.

BAIKALSEA Company Production Facilities

The professional team of BAIKALSEA has implemented a system of production and management standards, which has been validated by international certificates.

According to internal corporate standards of BAIKALSEA, our specialists implement strict sampling procedure of materials and all key Suppliers are included into the production audit system, which enables to control products quality at every stage. BAIKALSEA has developed and implemented staff training and development system based on the Company’s Values.

Our goal is not to produce and sell the maximum amount of product imaginable — our goal is to meet expectations of the most demanding Customers who value their health.