The BAIKALSEA Company took part in a meeting of the Russian-Korean Subcommittee on the Far East and Siberia in Seoul

At the invitation from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, as well as from the Investment Promotion Agency, the BAIKALSEA Company took part in the meeting of the Russian-Korean Subcommittee on the Far East and Siberia, which was held in Seoul on 12th December.

The Russian delegation was led by the Deputy Minister for Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, Alexander Krutikov, while the Korean delegation by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Kim Gunn. At the event, the BAIKALSEA Company was represented by Sergey Minenko, the Director of export to Asia.

During the meeting the participants discussed the promotion of promising joint projects scheduled in Siberia and the Russian Far East, as well as issues related to investment promotion.

Also in Seoul meetings were held with the representatives of the government departments of the Republic of Korea and major corporations showing interest in the promotion of the unique Baikal water supplied to the Korean market and to other North-East Asia countries by BAIKALSEA Company.

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BAIKALSEA Company is a Russian manufacturer of Baikal water in the premium segment, a leading manufacturer of bottled water from artesian sources: natural water — BAIKAL PEARL, mineral sparkling water BAIKAL RESERVE, as well as deep Baikal water BAIKAL430.